Local Anesthesia Safer For Plastic Surgery Procedures And Benefits


Cosmetic procedures are gaining popularity as more advanced techniques and innovations in plastic surgery become available. Patients should consider their surgeon's preference for anesthesia before Group Anesthesia Company undergoing cosmetic surgery. This will impact your decision. Although most cosmetic procedures can now be performed under local anesthesia today, some plastic surgeons still prefer to use general anesthesia for patients with more serious complications.

Dermatologic Surgery published a February 2012 study that analyzed ten years' worth of data from Florida, six years from Alabama and found that over two-thirds (and three quarters) of hospital transfers and more than half of all deaths were due to cosmetic surgery under general anesthesia. Liposuction was the most common cosmetic procedure. It was responsible for 32 percent of all cosmetic procedure-related deaths. Local anesthesia did not cause any deaths from liposuction.

General anesthesia vs. Local anesthesia with Sedation

A general anesthesia is used to place a patient on a respirator. An endotracheal tube, which is inserted into the throat, is then placed in their throat to aid them in breathing. The combination of drugs can cause deep sleep and paralysis. General anesthesia is preferred by some patients who want to be completely unconscious and forget about the procedure.

General anesthesia can lead to higher complication rates and put the body at greater risk. Patients often feel a sore throat after a surgery, and are more likely to vomit or feel nauseated. Because the body needs to heal from both the surgery and general anesthesia, recovery can take longer.

Local anesthesia is combined with sedation. The patient is then placed under IV sedation. The area to be treated is then numbed. Light medication is administered to the patient, which makes the patient feel relaxed and comfortable. However, the entire body is not paralyzed. Because it doesn't put the body under stress, local anesthesia is safer than general. The best part is that local anesthesia requires fewer drugs, which makes recovery faster.

Local anesthesia allows patients to walk out of an office without feeling nausea. Local anesthesia makes a surgical procedure much simpler and less risky.

Local anesthesia is safer than general anesthesia

Barry Friedberg M.D. has recently published studies that show most cosmetic surgeries can be safely performed under intravenous sedation and local anesthesia. However, many people who undergo cosmetic surgery still have to be aware of the dangers of general anesthesia.

This could be because it is financially feasible. General anesthesia is quicker to prepare and can be completed in less time. The downside is that general anesthesia can cause more stress to the heart and lungs the longer they are under it. Local anesthesia takes longer to prepare and can accommodate fewer patients in one day. However, safety of the patient should always be the top priority. This is far more important than financial bottom lines.



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